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The Beatles Love show has over 2,000 seats available. And with a circular theater and a stage that goes in all different directions, it’s hard to know where to sit.
But don’t worry; I’m here to help!
I saw the show in April and took a tour of the venue. I visited every section and snapped some photos so you could see the views. And I’ve included it all for you in this guide.
So keep reading if you want to know where the best seats are and which ones to avoid.
Love Theater
The Love Theater is one of the most incredible performance spaces in Las Vegas. It’s a full circle with 360-degree seating, so your view varies depending on where you sit.
During the show, the cast performs in the air and on the 6,500-square-foot stage. Eighty-five percent of the stage is movable, and a projection system reacts to the artists.
Two giant screens spanning 100 feet also feature visuals synced to The Beatles’ music. And 600 props are used during the production, too – with one involving the audience.
Seating Chart
There are 26 seating sections for The Beatles Love, which is a lot! So for me, it’s easier to think about where to sit in terms of levels in the theater.
- Balcony: Sections 303-306
- Upper Orchestra: Sections 200-209
- Lower Orchestra: Sections 101-108

- Blue: $$$$$ (Category A)
- Pink: $$$$ (Category B)
- Yellow: $$$ (Category C)
- Green: $$ (Category D)
- Dark Blue: $ (Category E)
In contrast to other Las Vegas shows, Love tickets are not just priced based on how close you are to the stage. Instead, your view of the acrobats and aerialists above you also factors into the cost.
That means you’ll find different pricing categories within each section depending on the row.
Beatles Love Seating Options
In this next section, you’ll see photos of the views from the Balcony and Upper and Lower Orchestra levels. I’ll also share some pictures I took from seats in different price categories.
When looking at the photos, remember that the theater is like a mirror. So the view from the same row on the North will be almost identical to the opposite section on the South. And the same goes for the East and West sides.
- Sections: 303-306
- Rows: AA-FF
Balcony seats are the lowest-priced tickets in the theater. Although they are the furthest from the stage, I thought the view from here wasn’t bad!
There are a total of six rows on the balcony level. The first row (AA) costs more than the five rows behind it. And that’s because you won’t have any people seated in front of you.
Example Photo: Balcony
To give you a better idea of the view you can expect, here’s a photo I took from row DD in section 304. This is an example of a category E ticket:

Upper Orchestra
- Sections: 200-209
- Rows: K-V
The Upper Orchestra is my favorite level. From here, you’ll have an excellent vantage point of the stage and the action happening above.
But there are 11 rows on this level with four different pricing categories. So there can be a considerable difference in your view and experience depending on where you sit.
Typically, rows K-M are the most sought-after because they’re at just the right height in the theater. But they’re also priced higher. In my opinion, though, any tickets on this level are good.
Example Photos: Upper Orchestra
I took the following picture from the back of section 204 in row T. This is a category D ticket:

When I went, I bought a category C ticket and sat in section 205. This is the view from my seat in row O, seat 6:

And this is the sightline from section 207, row R, which is also a category C ticket:

Gold Circle
Row K is a special row in the Upper Orchestra. Tickets here are known as “Gold Circle Seating.” And they’re appropriately named because they’re the most expensive seats in the venue.
You can find row K tickets in sections 200 to 209. But 209’s row K is priced higher than the others.
The following photo shows the sightline from section 209, row K, seat number 7. This is an example of a category A ticket, and the view from here is incredible:

Lower Orchestra
- Sections: 101-108
- Rows: A-G
Love Theater’s Lower Orchestra level will get you as close to the stage as possible. But the first four to five rows here aren’t as ideal as the back two.
And that’s because having a more expansive view of the show is better. Sitting up higher (in rows F and G) will allow you to see everything that’s going on in front of you and also in the air.
Example Photo: Lower Orchestra
I couldn’t take a picture of the Lower Orchestra seats until after the show. So that’s why the stage and screens look different in this next image.
But this is still an excellent example of the view you can expect sitting in the Lower Orchestra. The photo below shows the line of sight from section 105, row F, seat 3, which is a category B ticket:

Best Seats
The following are my recommendations for where to sit at The Beatles Love. These suggestions are based on my observations at the show I attended.
Where Are The Best Seats For The Beatles Love?
I recommend sitting anywhere in sections 200-202 and 207-209. And that’s because the stage runs North and South. So all of the props and artists are mainly positioned for those directions.
That doesn’t mean you still won’t have an excellent view if you’re sitting on the sides. It’s just that if you want to get the full effect of the show and see all the fantastic props, I think that’s the best place to sit.
But it’s worth pointing out that the venue considers row K in any 200-level section to be the absolute best seating.
Where Are The Best Value Seats?
After walking around the theater, I found the best value seats in the last row of Sections 200-202 and 207-209. So that’s row R in 200, 201, and 202 and row S in 207, 208, and 209.
These are category D tickets, and they’re priced the same as the first row on the balcony. But they offer a much better sightline because they have more of a straight-on view of the stage.

I also think any category C tickets on the 200-level offer an excellent value and are worth getting. However, I’m less of a fan of category C tickets closest to the stage in the Lower Orchestra.
Are There Any Bad Seats?
There aren’t any seats I would consider bad at The Beatles Love. It’s different from O Cirque du Soleil seating, where you need to be careful because some chairs have a handrail in the way.
However, a few seats at Love are next to a curtain. For instance, the following photo shows the line of sight from section 205, row V, at seat number 3. You can see the curtain hanging on the right side here:

Although this screen retracts for the show, you may still see a small section of it in your sightline during the performance.
These seats are still good, though. But I like row U better than V. And that’s because nobody will be in front of you in row U, so you’ll have a clear view of the stage.
But if you don’t want to sit next to any curtains, avoid getting tickets for the following seats:
- Section 203, rows U & V, 1 & 2
- Section 204, rows U & V, 3 & 4
- Section 205, rows U & V, 3 & 4
- Section 206, rows U & V, 1 & 2
And then lastly, another place you might want to think twice about is the balcony level. Although the view from up there is decent, you’ll be looking down on all the action.
So if you want to feel immersed in the show, get tickets for the 100 or 200 level instead.
Where To Sit With Kids At Beatles Love
Without giving too much away, a special prop is used during the show. This prop goes out into the audience, so part of the crowd will be above it and the other part below it.
As an adult, I thought it was more fun to sit above it. But I noticed when I went that the kids LOVED being underneath it.
So, if you want your child below the prop, sit in rows A-N. But if you’d prefer to see it from above, get tickets for rows P and higher. (Row O will be at about eye level.)

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The theater for The Beatles Love is enormous! And every seat will offer a different perspective.
But you’ll have a view no matter where you choose to sit. So it comes down to how much you want to spend and if it’s worth it to you to be more centrally located.
This show is also incredibly popular and often sells out. So I recommend getting your tickets as early as possible to ensure you have the best selection.