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Hi! If you’re trying to figure out where to sit at Mystere, you’re in the right place!
My friend and I saw the show when she was in town. While there, we took photos of all the different seating sections.
So today, I’m sharing those pictures with you. I’ll also be giving my recommendations for the seats I think are best (and the places I’d avoid).
I’ll also let you in on a little secret I discovered about the possibility of free seat upgrades.
Ready to roll? Let’s do it!
About the Mystere Theater
The Mystere Theater is over 10,000 square feet and has 1,616 seats available.
What’s most notable about the space is the stage, which is so close that guests in the front can almost touch it. But the “stage” also extends above the crowd when performers do aerial acrobatics.
Most guests assume the closer they are, the better the view. But that’s not the case at Mystere because of how the stage is positioned.
So knowing where to sit is essential to get the whole show experience because you won’t be able to look at any screens while there.
Seating Chart
The Mystère showroom has two seating levels. There’s a lower level that has five seating sections (101-105) and an upper level with six sections (201-206).

When you’re looking at the seating chart, you’ll have four ticket categories to choose from. Each category is priced based on how close you are to the stage and your viewing angle.
- Category 1: $$$$
- Category 2: $$$
- Category 3: $$
- Category 4: $
Show View Photos
While at the show, I took photos of the stage from the different sections.
I also got pictures of the views from all four ticket categories to give you a better idea of what you can expect for the price.
So first, I’ll show you photo examples from the lower level and then cover the upper level seats.
Lower Level
- Sections 101-105
- Seat Categories 1 & 2
This is a photo I took of a category 2 ticket from 101, row H, seat 6. As you can see, these seats offer a side view:

And here’s the view from my seat in Section 102, row F, seat 5. This is a category 1 ticket:

This next photo is another category 1 seat in section 103 that I took from row H:

And here’s the line of sight from the back of 104:

This photo is a category 2 example taken from section 105, row H, seat number 2:

Upper Level
- Sections: 201-206
- Ticket Categories: 2, 3, and 4
Here’s a photo of the view from 201, row BB, seat 2. This is a category 4 ticket:

The next picture is an example of a category 3 seat. This is the sightline from section 202, row NN at approximately seat number 13:

And here’s the view from section 203, row LL. This is also category 3:

The following photo is taken from 204, row JJ:

This is the sightline from a category 2 seat in section 205, row DD:

And then lastly, this is from section 206, row AA, which is a category 3 ticket:

My Seating Recommendations
The following are my recommendations for the best seats and the ones I’d avoid. These suggestions are based on my experience at the Mystere show I attended.
Best Places To Sit At Mystere Las Vegas
Sections 102, 103, and 104 are Category 1 tickets, which are the highest priced. And I agree with the venue that these are the best. But I’d avoid the first two rows and try to get seats anywhere between C and H instead.
Additionally, I think the absolute best location is in the back rows of sections 102-104. So that’s rows F, G, and H. Sitting there, you won’t have to tilt your head back as much when watching the acrobatics in the air.
For example, this is what the view is like from the back of Section 103 on the left side:

If you don’t want to get Category 1 tickets, my next choice would be to buy Category 2 tickets in sections 202-204.
Again, I’d avoid the first few rows – especially in 203. That way, you’re not distracted by the sound guy or latecomers. My preference is rows EE through HH.
Seats To Avoid
When I first walked in, I thought there wouldn’t be any bad seats because it’s not as big as some other theaters. But then I started walking around, and there were definitely some places I would prefer not to sit.
The following is my opinion of the seats and sections to avoid based on my experience at the show I attended.
Sections 101 & 105
I’m not the biggest fan of sections 101 & 105, and that’s because of how the theater is set up. For instance, the lower level wraps around the stage in a 180-degree arc.
So when the performers are at the front of the stage, guests in 101 and 105 will view the performance from behind.
Now the good thing about sitting here is you’ll be so close you can see the artists’ faces. But I still don’t recommend it because I think it’s better to have a more direct sightline. That way, you’ll get the full effect of the show.
Sections 201 & 206
Sections 201 and 206 also have some seats at a less-than-ideal viewing angle. These are Category 4 tickets, and they’re on the far sides of the venue. So again, you’ll mostly have a side view or be behind the performers.
That said, I think Category 3 tickets in 201 & 206 offer a good value. But I’d get seats as close as possible to the middle of the theater so you’ll maximize your view.
Front Row
Now this next one might be a surprise – I don’t recommend sitting in the front row of any section at Mystere.
And that’s because, on the lower level, a rail is between the stage and the first row (A). And even though a lot of the show action is in the air, I think the railings are a distraction.
For instance, here’s a photo I took showing the view from the front of 102:

As you can see, the rails are in the line of sight. And even when I tried sitting in the second row (B), I found them to be in the way there too.
So if you want to sit in sections 101-105, I recommend sitting at least three rows back (C through H).
I’d also avoid the front (row AA) of sections 201-206. And that’s because quite a few people walk in late, so that may divert your attention as you’re watching the show.
Section 202, Row FF, Seats 1-12
While leaving Mystere, I noticed some small spotlights in section 202, row FF, around seats 1-12. I always try not to sit near any lights at Vegas shows as they can sometimes cause a glare. So to be safe, I recommend not getting tickets near these seats.

Complimentary Upgrades
Now, I can’t make any guarantees about complimentary upgrades. And that’s because it depends on how many tickets have sold. Or if management is even offering them. It did happen to me, though, when I went to Mystere.
I had initially bought category 3 seating in section 203. But (I think) because my friend and I arrived when the doors opened, we got offered a complimentary upgrade to category 1.
So if you don’t want to pay up for a higher-priced ticket, arriving early may be worth a shot. Just be sure to get there 30 minutes in advance because those are the guests that I saw getting an upgrade.
Again, this is not guaranteed. Also, if you are upgraded, you won’t be able to pick the exact location as that’s determined by management.

mystere at treasure island
Get Your Tickets Now
Thanks so much for checking out my Mystère seating guide. If you’d like to attend the show, you can check for discount tickets by clicking the button below. Buying through my link is at no extra cost to you, but it really helps to support my work. So thank you if you do!
My Final Thoughts
I loved getting to sit in 102. I’ve never gotten to be that close to the stage. And it was incredible to see the faces of the performers.
It really felt like I was in the production sitting there!
I especially enjoyed the first act with the aerial artists; they flew side to side and right over our heads. It was like you could reach out and touch them.
So I think buying tickets on the lower level is worth it. Just as long as you’re not too far over on the right and left sides so that you don’t miss out on seeing the cool props.
And I particularly like the back rows on the lower level because you won’t have to tilt your head as much when the artists are in the air.