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KA is the first Cirque du Soleil show to feature a storyline. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to follow. I fully admit I had no idea what was happening when I saw it.
So, after hours of research and seeing it for a second time, I finally understand the story. And today, I’m sharing everything I’ve learned.
I hope this article helps you enjoy KA even more because it’s one epic tale. And it really makes a big difference in your experience if you know what it’s about before you go!
Story Overview
Ka is about Royal Twins, a brother and a sister, on the verge of adulthood. The story begins with them traveling to their coming-of-age party. But an enemy tribe is plotting to overthrow the Kingdom and capture the Twins.
While at the party, the villains attack, and the Twins escape – one on a ship and the other by land. The bad guys then retreat to the Archer’s Den, where they’re working on an evil invention.
This diabolical machine crushes the bones of the tribe’s prisoners. And when combined with a magical ore, it creates a powerful fire that can destroy the Kingdom.
The Kà story follows the Twins on their journey to reunite as they fall in love, face adversity, and fend off the enemy. In the end, an epic battle ensues. Will the Twins prevail and save the Empire?
The following is a review of each scene. These act summaries are based on the notes I took during the show and my research.
But, heads up – there are spoilers ahead. However, I still recommend reading this because it’s hard to understand what’s happening without it.
The Twins are on a ship going to their coming-of-age celebration. Their parents are also there, as are the rest of the Royal Court. The Twins partake in some swordplay before the festivities begin.
At the festival, guests entertain them with martial arts displays that combine dance and combat. Some incredible acrobatic duos perform, too, showcasing their balancing and flipping abilities.
Then, the Twins do a flute duet together, and the Nursemaid dances to the delight of all the guests. But little does everyone know that the Kingdom’s enemies – the Archers and Spearman led by the Counselor and Chief Archer are about to attack!
The Nursemaid helps the Twin Sister flee as arrows fly through the air. But the Twin Brother isn’t as lucky. He gets injured in the fight and is separated from his sister. The Court Jester leaps to his side and does what he can to protect the Twin Brother.
The Twin Sister and the Nursemaid escape on a ship with other Court members. But the seas quickly turn rocky as a storm takes hold. Soon, lightning strikes, and the wind blows so fiercely that the sail comes off the boat.
Crew members are tossed overboard, and the vessel begins to sink. The Twin Sister tries to climb the mast to stay afloat, but it’s too late. The boat completely capsizes, and the Twin Sister and Nursemaid fall into the ocean.

Archer’s Den
Meanwhile, in the Archer’s Den, the Archers and Spearman celebrate their victory. The Archers shoot bows with fire and engage in friendly competitions.
The Counselor and his son make an appearance. The Counselor’s Son has been working on a sinister machine, and he reveals his prototype to the tribe.
He calls it the “Wheel of Death” and shows how his model grinds bones to a fine powder. When combined with a magical mineral, it can be used to create an explosion of fire.
The Chief Archer’s Daughter is also there to see his presentation. The Counselor’s Son tries to impress her by giving her a flute, but she’s not interested in him.
The Nursemaid, Twin Sister, and Valets survive the ocean and find themselves on a beach. A life-size crab sneaks up on them as they lay in the sand. The crab tries to get them, but the Nursemaid and Twin Sister shoo him away.
Then, the Valets dig in the sand. They discover a large egg and begin to play with it. Soon, a mama turtle appears, and she’s not happy.
Finally, another sea creature, a mischievous starfish, causes trouble for the group.
Shadow Play
The next act begins at night with the Twin Brother and Court Jester in a cave. The Brother is in pain from the pageant battle. And the Court Jester is trying to distract him by showing him how to make shadow puppets.
Chief Archer’s Daughter watches from afar and enjoys their shadow play. The Twin Brother sees her hiding and goes over to speak with her. But their conversation is cut short as the Spearmen attack.
Another fight ensues, with the Brother and Court Jester being captured and taken to the Archer’s Den. The Chief Archer’s Daughter sees that the Twin Brother has dropped his flute, and she picks it up.

The Nursemaid, Twin Sister, and Valets have found each other again and are climbing up a steep mountainside.
But the Spearmen and Archers soon spot them, and a fight breaks out on the cliff.
Luckily, the Twin Sister and Nursemaid are rescued by a Mountain Tribe and are taken to the top. More tribal members climb up the frozen cliffside to join them.
To escape the Archers and Spearmen, the Mountain Tribe creates a flying machine that looks like a bird using the material from their tent.
The Nursemaid encourages the Sister to get in the machine, and she takes flight.
In Captivity
The Twin Brother is locked in a cage in the Archer’s Den. But Chief Archer’s Daughter soon takes pity on him and gives him some water. She returns his flute to him, and he plays a sweet song for her.
The two fall for each other, and the Archer’s Daughter unlocks his cage and helps him escape. Then, the Brother gives her his flute as a gift and asks her to leave with him and the Court Jester. But she stays behind, torn in her loyalty.
She performs a beautiful routine using the flute as a baton to show her happiness with their love. However, she doesn’t know the Counselor’s Son is behind her, watching in agony as he realizes she can never be his.
Forest People
The next scene takes place in a whimsical jungle. Forest people swing from the trees on bungee cords and perform aerial acrobatics. There are flowers and many different creatures, like a giant caterpillar.
Soon, the Twin Sister falls from the flying machine and lands in the forest. She meets the Firefly Boy, and they instantly fall in love and do an aerial ballet together.
But then she leaves to continue searching for her Brother.

Slave Cage
Back at the Archer’s Den, the Counselor’s Son’s diabolical invention, the Wheel of Death, is ready. And a demonstration is given to show how it works.
But a prisoner escapes from his cage and mocks the captors by performing death-defying stunts. The other captives cheer him on, bringing hope to the Kingdom.
(On a side note, I didn’t realize the Nursemaid had been captured until now. But you’ll also see her in the Den, cheering.)

Final Battle
The final battle for the Kingdom ensues, with the Twins fighting the Archers, Spearmen, and the Counselor’s Son.
Midway through the fight, the Counselor hands his son the explosive powder from the evil machine. And the son tries to use it to destroy the Twins and the Empire.
But the Counselor’s Son is injured in the battle and blinded. The Twin Sister then retrieves the powder from the son, and the struggle for the Kingdom is finally over.

The Empire celebrates on the barge as peace is restored. The Chief Archer holds out his bow and breaks it as a symbol of solidarity.
The Counselor and his son show up, and everyone is worried as they’ve brought the powder with them again. For a moment, the Counselor’s Son looks like he will throw it at the Imperial Court.
But instead, he uses the powder for good and illuminates the Kingdom with a fantastic fireworks display.

Kà Cirque du Soleil Characters
There are a lot of cast members in Cirque du Soleil’s Kà. But, thankfully, you only need to keep your eyes on a few of them to understand the storyline.
So here’s a quick overview of the most important characters and how to spot them when you’re in the MGM Grand Theater.
The Royal Twins are the young heroes of the story. They’re the son and daughter of the Empire’s King and Queen. Ka’s plotline is about them and their journey to save the Kingdom.
Look for the Twin Sister in a red dress with gold trim. And the Twin Brother in green pants and a gold and green jacket. The Twin Sister is blonde, while the Twin Brother has brown hair.
The Twins’ nanny. She accompanies the Sister on her travels and does what she can to assist and protect her.
The Nursemaid is the full-figured woman in the show wearing a red and tan dress. She has her hair in two long side braids. But you can’t miss her – she talks a lot during the show.
Court Jester
The Court Jester is a member of the Royal Court. He watches over the Twin Brother after he’s hurt in the pageant battle. He never leaves the Brother’s side throughout his journey and will do anything to defend him.
Look for the muscular and shirtless guy in tights wearing an eye mask.
Chief Archer’s Daughter
Chief Archer’s Daughter is the Twin Brother’s love interest. But, unfortunately, as the daughter of the Chief Archer, she’s also a member of the enemy tribe.
The evil Counselor’s Son desires her, too, but she has no interest in him.
Chief Archer’s Daughter wears a black leotard and black boots. Her hair is orangey-red, and she wears it up in two braided buns.
Firefly Boy
Firefly Boy is the Twin Sister’s love interest. She meets him in the forest after falling from the flying machine. He’s easy to spot – he’s the one swinging from the trees in an aerial duet with the Twin Sister.
The Counselor is one of the leaders of the Archers and Spearmen. He’s the guy dressed in yellow with a long red beard. His son designs the diabolical death machine.
Counselor’s Son
The Counselor’s Son is another villain in the Kà storyline. He’s a remarkable inventor and designs the Wheel of Death to destroy the Empire. He’s also in love with Chief Archer’s Daughter.
Look for the man in the Archer’s Den dressed in black attire with long black hair.
The Valets are two servants of the Royal Court. After braving the ocean storm, they get washed up on shore with the Twin Sister and Nursemaid.
These two resemble clowns and wear pants with suspenders and white shirts.
Archers and Spearmen
The Archers and Spearmen are the tribal enemies of the Kingdom. They attack the Royal Court at the beginning of the show and are always causing trouble for the Twins.
These guys are everywhere, including in the audience. They’re the ones shooting arrows and carrying spears.
Show FAQ
Here are some of the most asked questions about the Kà Cirque du Soleil show.
What Language Do They Speak In Kà Cirque du Soleil?
Cirque du Soleil shows use a made-up language for their productions. So, you won’t be able to translate the dialogue in Kà. But you’ll still be able to understand the meaning behind what you’re hearing.
Although it sounds like gibberish, the cast excellently conveys emotions through this chatter. So you’ll know when they’re joyful or worried about impending danger. And you’ll even get a sense of their personalities, too.
Which Is Better: Ka or Mystere?
KA has more of a storyline, and the machinery used for the stage is a technical marvel. The theater is also transportive as you’ll feel like you’re in a faraway land.
In contrast, Mystere is a mix of comedy and acrobatics, with a story that’s sillier and harder to understand.
But the performers’ physical abilities are impressive regardless of which one you choose. So you really can’t go wrong with either.
If I had to pick one Vegas show, I would choose to see Kà. The fight scene alone on the vertical stage is worth the ticket price.
Related: I’ve also written a complete guide on Ka vs O. And an article about where to sit at Mystere if you want to see that instead.
My Final Thoughts
I wish I had known the Kà plot before I went. Although seeing the Cirque du Soleil performers is incredible, knowing the storyline makes it so much better.
One last piece of advice: sit pretty close to the stage if you can. That way, you’ll see the characters and their facial reactions.
I’ve put together a KA seating guide for the MGM Grand Theater if you want to check it out. It’ll help you pick the best seats for your budget.