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Are you trying to decide where to sit at Piff the Magic Dragon in Vegas? I saw the show recently, and I’m going to let you in on something most visitors don’t know:
Some seats have better sightlines and are much more comfortable than others. And they’re not usually priced higher, either.
So, if you don’t want to adjust your positioning all night (or get a kink in your neck), then keep reading. Because in this article, I’ll show you the best places to sit for the Piff show!
About The Flamingo Showroom
Piff the Magic Dragon is inside the Showroom at the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel. The theater isn’t huge, but it’s still big enough that your seat selection makes a difference.
And that’s because there are over 625 tickets available. The venue also packs guests in here. So depending on where you sit, it may feel a little tight.
But no matter your location, you’ll be able to see over the heads in front of you. There are also three large video screens that you can watch during the show.
Additionally, the theater features a catwalk that extends into the crowd. Piff performs his magic here and on the main stage.
Video: Where To Sit At Piff In Las Vegas
In this video, I share my seating recommendations for the Piff the Magic Dragon show.
Seating Chart
There are three seating options in the Flamingo Showroom:
- VIP Chairs
- Tables
- Booths
On my seating chart below, the VIP section is the blue dots in the first four rows. Next are booths, which are half-circles, and then the tables are rectangles.

Also, as the chart shows, everyone is seated in the main room. And except for the VIP chairs, most of the rows are elevated.
(There isn’t a separate floor level like a balcony in the Flamingo Showroom.)
Piff The Magic Dragon Seating Options
What’s great about Piff the Magic Dragon is that there are good seats everywhere – not just in the VIP section.
But the seating isn’t ideal at certain locations because you’ll have to turn or sit sideways to see.
So, in this next section, I’ll show you where to sit so you’ll be comfortable and have an excellent view.
VIP Chairs
VIP tickets are the most expensive option. And that’s because they’re in the first four rows of the Flamingo Showroom. If you sit here, you’ll be the closest you can get to the stage.
The seating in this section is individual chairs, giving you more space than you would have at a table or booth. You’ll also have access to a small beverage table to set any drinks on while you enjoy the show.

But there is one drawback I noticed about sitting here.
Piff spends a lot of time on the catwalk. So most VIP ticket holders will need to turn around to see when he’s performing there. Or look at the video screens (if available).
Also, the closer you are to the stage in the VIP section, the more often you’ll have to turn. So, for instance, the first row will need to adjust more often than the last VIP row.
The tables in the Piff the Magic Dragon theater are at a 90-degree angle to the stage. Unfortunately, this means all the table seating is sideways.
So no matter where you sit at a table, you’ll have to turn your head or twist your body to watch the show.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t great table seats because there are – you just have to know where to sit!

So my recommendation if you want to get table tickets is to pick chairs that face the center walkway of the theater.
For example, at table 23B, in row 23, I would get seats 1, 2, or 3 instead of 4, 5, or 6.

And that’s because sitting at 1, 2, or 3 will minimize how much I need to turn my head and body during the show.
For example, in the picture below, you can see how the guests seated in 1, 2, and 3 have a great viewing angle.
In contrast, the guests on the other side of the table (at 4, 5, and 6) are twisting to watch.

But if you can’t get tickets facing the center aisle, the next best option is to sit at a table in the middle of the theater.
That way, you won’t have to turn as much as guests seated on the outer edges of the showroom.
The Piff the Magic Dragon show also has booths available. But like the tables, with some seats, your back will be to the center walkway, making it harder to see.

So if you prefer a booth, I recommend reserving seats angled toward the stage. Or book tickets that are in the middle of the booth.
Either of these options will provide excellent sightlines.
For instance, at booth 31B, row 31, I’d try to get 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 instead of 6 and 7.

I actually reserved seats 6 and 7 at booth 31B. And unfortunately, I was pretty uncomfortable at the beginning.
However, I found a workaround. I sat at the end of the booth and put my legs out over the edge. And that helped a lot. The aisle is tight, but this may be another option you want to consider.
Best Seats
The following is my opinion of the best seats at Piff the Magic Dragon in Las Vegas. These suggestions are based on what I saw at the show I attended.
When reviewing them, please also keep in mind my three recommendations:
- You’ll have a better view the closer you are to the center of the room.
- For booth seating, get seats facing forward or angled toward the stage.
- At a table, pick chairs that face the center walkway.
Best VIP Seating
If you’re interested in the VIP chairs, I would get tickets in the last row of the VIP section. These are tickets at VIP 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18.
Sitting in the last VIP row, you won’t have to turn nearly as much as those in the three rows ahead of you when Piff is on the catwalk.
Also, it doesn’t matter if it’s an A or B designation, like 12A and 12B – that’s just for which side of the room you’ll be on.
Best Table Seats
I recommend sitting in the closest rows to the stage for tables. So these are table numbers 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15. Or numbers 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26.
Best Booth Locations
For guests interested in a booth, I think the best locations are in the row directly behind the last VIP row. So that would be booths 5, 6, 7, and 8. Or, if those aren’t available, the seating at booths 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20 is also excellent.
Are There Any Bad Seats?
The Flamingo Showroom isn’t massive, so you won’t be that far away even if you’re in the last row. And there are also video screens where you can watch the action.
But because the screens are on only some of the time, I think you’ll have a much better experience sitting closer.
There’s also not much of a price difference between the back and the rows near the middle of the theater. So it’s worth upgrading, in my opinion.
One warning about booth seating, though – it can feel tight if all the seats have sold. So, if you don’t want to risk feeling like a sardine, I’d get a VIP chair or table instead.

piff the magic dragon
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My Final Thoughts
I loved every minute of the Piff the Magic Dragon Las Vegas show. But I do wish I had chosen a different location when I went.
That’s why I wanted to write this article. So, I hope my recommendations above will help you pick a great seat!
Also, for the best selection, it’s a good idea to get your tickets as soon as possible because Piff often sells out.