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Hi there! Welcome to my Mystere by Cirque du Soleil review for 2023.
I went to the production in May with my best gal pal. And we got there early so I could talk with the staff and check out the theater.
During the show, I took profuse notes, lots of photos, and got some secret videos. (Shh, don’t tell anyone!)
I did all that to rate EVERY aspect and report back to you. Are you ready to find out if this show is worth your money?
Let’s do it!
Video Preview
Check out this 30-second trailer for a sneak peek of Mystère:
Now, on to the ratings!
Before The Show
- Preshow Fun: 4/5
We saw two baby carriages on the stage as soon as we entered the theater. And then, almost immediately, the sounds of babies crying caught our attention.
My friend thought someone’s children in the audience were not happy, but no. The crying baby sounds were coming from the speaker system.
At this point, I’m thinking, what the heck?

It was a little weird and somewhat annoying. But I will say it’s the most unique preshow “entertainment” I’ve ever experienced.
And it turns out that babies tie in with the show’s theme (more on this later).
Although I didn’t care for the baby sounds, I did enjoy the usher.
He entertained us a few minutes before it started with his amusing antics. And he even caused trouble for some guests.

Theatre Info
The Mystere theater isn’t as large as the other Cirque du Soleil shows in town. But it’s still a pretty big size. For instance, it’s 10,032 square feet with over 1,600 seats on two levels.
- Seat Comfort: 5/5
- Stage View: 4/5
One of the things that stood out to me about the theater was its openness. No matter where I went, I couldn’t find any major obstructions blocking the view of the stage.
And that’s mainly because the stage extends into the audience in a U shape. This extension is an excellent feature because it lets you get close to the performers.
From where I sat in section 102, I could see the artists’ facial expressions.

There also isn’t much space between the stage and the rows, so if you’re on the lower level, it feels like you’re part of the show.
And on the lower level, you’ll watch acrobats fly through the air directly above your head. They got so close to our seats that I thought they would hit us. It was fantastic!
So I love this theater for how close you are to the cast. And I thought the seats were very comfortable, too, with lots of legroom.

But there are a few negatives about the venue you need to know.
First, because of the stage’s shape, some seats wrap around it. So, if you’re on the far left or right side, you’ll watch a few performances from behind the cast members.
And if you’re paying that much for a ticket, it’s not worth it to me to be looking at the performers’ backsides.
Second, even though Mystere’s theater isn’t as big as O or Ka’s, sitting in the back rows is still too far away for my liking.
And then, lastly, there are a lot of latecomers. If you’re sitting in 201-206, you may get distracted by them walking in and miss out on some of the performance.
Mystère Storyline
- Story Clarity: 3/5
Well, it’s a mystery as to the story. My friend and I didn’t follow it. That may be the point, though. It’s ambiguous on purpose so that everyone will have their interpretation.
It was clear that one of the production’s themes was about human life. That was evident from the moment we walked in and heard babies crying.
Like Ka’s storyline, I had to dig after the show to understand more about what I saw.
My Interpretation
So, after listening to interviews with the show’s creators, my interpretation is this:
There’s a big universe out there. And although man does what he can through science, some things we won’t ever understand.
And that’s okay because being in the mystery of it all makes it special and magical.
So, Mystère takes us on a journey of the earth’s origin and man’s beginnings. You’ll witness the “big bang” and see the world’s wonders through a child’s eyes.
You’ll also watch characters act as powerful forces against humanity. But you’ll get to experience the joy of human dreams coming true, too.
And it’s all told on stage with acts that include acrobatics, bungees, poles, trapeze, and trampoline.
Cirque du Soleil Acts
At the Las Vegas show I attended, I counted six acrobatic performances. Two “filler” acts also served as transitions while the cast was preparing for their next feat.
- Acrobatic Performers: 5/5
- Filler Acts: 3/5
Chinese Poles

Chinese Poles was the most anxiety-producing performance for me. As such, it’s one of my favorites!
In this act, acrobats jump between poles and seem to float through the air. They also fall head first, without wires or a mat on the ground.
According to Cirque du Soleil, the characters represent vines growing up the poles. And they feed on themselves as they get big and tall.
Although exciting to watch, some of the characters have a dark secret. They’re two-faced and hide behind their masks, never revealing their true selves.
Hand-to-Hand Balancing
This next act was my friend’s favorite. And it involved two ladies performing a balancing act. But not just any balancing act. Mystere’s is on a curved, rotating surface.
I’ve seen these types of performances at Absinthe and V The Ultimate Variety Show before. Every time, though, they’ve been done by men. Don’t get me wrong, they’re still awe-inspiring.

But seeing ladies do similar stunts on a moving platform is a higher level of difficulty. They blew us away with their physical strength!
The duo performed one-armed handstands, balanced on stilts, and held impossible human positions. And they did all that while exuding grace with fluid, controlled movements.
Clown Act
A few minutes after the show begins, a giant baby appears onstage. This role is played by an older gentleman wearing baby clothes, a bonnet, and carrying a bottle.
He interacts a lot with the audience, talks in a baby voice, and plays with his big bouncy ball.
Now, some guests think this part of the production is absolutely hilarious. But my friend and I didn’t find it all that funny.

I think this act tries to bring some laughter and more variety to the show. It also serves as a time filler so the crew can prepare for the next scene.
And I see why the creators put it in – the baby act fits the “beginnings of life” theme.
But for me, this character detracts from the other performances. And it reduced my satisfaction with Mystere by a smidge.
My Mystere Las Vegas Rating
Overall, I’d rate this show 4/5. And that’s taking into account my ratings on all the aspects above. I definitely had fun and thought it was good, but it’s not my all-time favorite show.
That said, my friend, who had never experienced Cirque du Soleil before, loved it. And she thought it was worth the price she paid for her ticket.
So, based on our experience, I’d say – if you’ve never seen Cirque du Soleil, Mystere is a great starter show. But you may be less impressed with some elements if you’ve been to Ka or O.
What I Enjoyed Most About This Show
The performers were incredible to watch! Seeing their physical skills was mind-blowing and had me fearing for their lives a few times.
My favorite act of the entire show was the aerialists. They flew right over the audience’s heads. And they got so close to the lower-level seats you could almost touch them.
I also appreciated how the stage extended into the crowd. I’ve never sat so close to the artists before. And I could see their faces, which added a lot to the experience.
Additionally, the music was great. But it took me halfway through to realize that LIVE musicians and singers were above the stage. So be sure to look for them if you go.

And then, lastly, I loved the price point for this Las Vegas show. It offers a good value for getting to watch such exceptional talent.
What I Didn’t Like
Besides the big baby, figuring out what was happening was difficult as there wasn’t a strong story.
I get that Mystere is meant to be interpretative like many other Cirque du Soleil shows. But having more of a storyline would’ve made it much more enjoyable.
Some of the characters and costumes were also a little strange. A few of them looked like they were straight out of Whoville.
I also have no idea why a gigantic snail was on stage at the end. It looked super cool, though. So, if you find out, please let me know. 🙂
Who Mystere Is Best For
Mystere may be an excellent option for you – if you:
- have never seen Cirque du Soleil before
- want to see traditional circus acts like trapeze, bungee, and aerialists
- would like a lower-priced Cirque ticket option
- don’t care about understanding a storyline
- appreciate unique costumes
- want to experience the longest-running Cirque du Soleil show ever!

Mystere by Cirque Du Soleil
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Read Also: See what’s on the menu in my Mystere food and beverage guide.
My Final Thoughts
After getting home, I researched and discovered that the production is much deeper than I realized. I was shocked to find out how much the scientific community had influenced the making of it.
Many scientists, including world-renowned physicists and geneticists, shared ideas with Mystere’s creative team to create a unique production.
So that’s why the show’s theme focuses so much on the beginnings of the universe and man. And also on the unknown forces that act upon our lives.
Anyway, knowing that gave me a greater appreciation of Mystere. 🤍